
On-demand Human Resource advice and coaching anywhere anytime

How we help

Your personal HR advisor 24/7

We provide you with expert advice, second opinion and coaching, based on our experience as HR Business Partners, Talent Managers, Recruiters and Coaching professionals.

You would normally see us on the other side of the table, interviewing you or advising the hiring manager, but we are now on your side. We know how the people process works, the methodologies used and what managers are looking for – and we use it to your advantage.

All our services are tailored to your specific situation and needs. Book us online and meet via video call whenever it suits you – day, evening or weekend.

Career coaching and employment cycle
Build Your Brand

Articulate your value

Build your professional brand as a base for job search, career development and promotion. Examples:

  • What is my professional brand? Understand your capabilities, wants and needs to find direction.
  • How can I add value to an employer? The value of all of you, combined and presented in the right way.
  • Why me and not someone else? Identify what you bring to the table that no one else can do.
Get Employed

Navigate the hiring process

Prepare and practice so you can use the hiring process to your advantage, ace the interview and get your dream job. Examples:

  • What are they looking for and how to I fit in? Identify and prepare to build your case for a position.
  • Feeling stressed ahead of an upcoming interview? Practice being interviewed for a specific position.
  • Ever felt “I did not get what I am worth”? Build your case and negotiate your salary with confidence.

Realize your potential

We support you on-the-job so you can perform, deliver and develop your career. Examples:
  • First time manager or having a demanding boss? Find your way and turn your opportunity into reality
  • Do you feel stuck in your career? Leverage your strengths and passion to take your next step.
  • Subjected to harassment or unfair treatment? Evaluate your options and prepare your case.
Exit and Reboot

Take your next step with confidence

There is an end to all things – sometimes you are in control and sometimes not – and we support you in transitioning. Examples:

  • Lost your job? Negotiate the best terms on your way out and keep your former employer as reference.
  • Are you in need of support to bounce back? Understand, learn, and reboot with confidence.
  • Want to negotiate a voluntary exit on the best terms? Build your case and approach to maximize your benefits.

Find your goals and your way to get there

We support you with coaching so you can find your direction, develop yourself, and deliver results that are meaningful to you – professionally and privately. Examples:

  • Career transitions
  • Personal and professional development
  • Work-life balance
TAKE control of your career

Ready to reach your potential?