Empower your employees

Career support and coaching for your employees – so they can thrive in their current job or you can go separate ways with a smile.

What it is

HR advice and coaching when your employees need it

We support your employees’ professional journey so that you can focus on running your business. Connecting your employees with HR expertise, focused on the employee’s situation, help them turn opportunities and challenges,binto positive outcomes. The result is  better performance and well being both on and off the job.

Example of how we support your employees


Exciting and/or challenging professional or private situation? We support your employees in turning both opportunities and challenges into positives outcomes.

Career Growth

Do you have talents eager to develop but not knowing their way? We support the individual in identifying their strengths and passions to take the next vertical or lateral career step.

Performance Issues

Do you have employees that do not perform or have lost the spirit? We support the individual find direction and motivation to step up or move out.

Exit & Reboot

Do you need to let people go? We support your employees on the way out so they can reboot with self confidence. A positive experience turns your former employees into your ambassadors.


1:1 access anytime anywhere

Book career coaching online on your mobile

1. Book your session online

Provide your employees with access to a chosen packages of services - one session only or recurring. Let your employees book sessions from the sofa in their living room at a time that suits their schedule.

Career coaching via video call

2. Meet via video call

Your employee gets access to HR experts and coaches with real business experience focused on their needs. Connect via video call and start the journey. Get expert advice, guidance, and coaching.

Professional woman reaching her goals after receiving career coaching

3. Grow beyond your job

Your employees use their newfound insight and direction to get results that are meaningful to them - professionally and privately. They can reconnect with their HR advisor for continued dialogue and support regularly or on a needs only basis.


Ready to empower your employees?