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Do you really have control over your career

Career success isn’t just about how hard you work or how smart you are. Professional trajectories are influenced by many factors, some outside of our control. The renowned business school INSEAD discuss how chance events influence our career and what to do about it.

The article states: “Careers are shaped not only by major transitions, but also incrementally over the course of regular work. Therefore, knowing when and how proximate chance events matter can advance our understanding of career sensemaking and the extent to which luck plays a role in it.”

In our experience this is absolutely true. While you can and shall have a “north star” in your career, you should also be prepared to react to unplanned, and often unwelcome, events. While luck plays part, it is easier to be in the right place at the right time if you plan and prepare for it.

Read the full article here: INSEAD – Careers and Chance: How Much Control Do You Really Have?

Then book your session with Empowwer Me to steer your career in the direction you want.

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